The other day my son Judah asked me if he could wash our minivan. When he asked me I felt a mix of emotions- I wanted to say yes, but I also wanted to say no. I went to wash a few dishes while he waited for my answer. Me being me, I began weighing the pros and cons. As a perfectionist I thought to say no. Questions began popping into my head. Would he wash it well? What if he leaves streak marks? Etc. Honestly, it didn't matter if my son didn't wash the car well. He is only seven and he's never washed a car before, but he's constantly learning. But there I was presented with an opportunity of whether or not keep his flame burning or to blow it out, and keeping things in perspective; a car is just a car, but our relationship with our children is transcendent and MUCH MORE meaningful than a car or anything for that matter. Personally I knew I would do him a disservice if I said no. How else are our children to grow and become responsible adults if we parents don...